Friday 22 June 2012

Townian Review

Townian Is An Online Browser Game Which You can make money from!
First of all you need to build up some population on your town.

So you dont need to think about that.
So, set your morale to 50 so its balanced.
For start upgrade your iron, stone mines and forrest , grain farm to about 3rd level.
Build up an warehouse and upgrade it as much as you can, bigger = better.
Then you may wanna get some soliders to raid other towns. And maybe conqer them.
Upgrade your resource incomes as much as you can. If your not premium focus on gaining maximum gold you can, thats by increasing morale and upgrading your town. If premium keep all balanced. You earn by selling resources as premium too, if your not you earn from selling gold. Thats why you need big warehouse so you can handle alot of income.
When you got some soliders, start raiding and attacking other towns. This will get you more resources that you can sell.

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